Shkurta Gashi

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Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Faculty of Informatics (SI-107)
Via G. Buffi 13
6900 Lugano, Switzerland


Shkurta Gashi is a PhD student at the Faculty of Informatics of the Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), in Lugano, Switzerland, where she is working under the supervision of Prof. Silvia Santini.



Shkurta Gashi, Elena Di Lascio, Silvia Santini (2019) Using Unobtrusive Wearable Sensors to Measure the Physiological Synchrony Between Presenters and Audience Members, Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol. 3, 1, Article 13, p. 19, url, doi:10.1145/3314400

Elena Di Lascio, Silvia Santini, Shkurta Gashi, Danilo Krasic () In-Classroom Self-Tracking For Teachers and Students: Preliminary Findings from a Pilot Study, url, doi:10.1145/3123024.3125504


Elena Di Lascio, Shkurta Gashi, Silvia Santini (2018) Unobtrusive Assessment of Students' Emotional Engagement during Lectures Using Electrodermal Activity Sensors, Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol 2(103), p. 21, url, doi:10.1145/3264913

Heng Zhang, Shkurta Gashi, Hanke Kimm, Elcin Hanci, Oludamilare Matthews (2018) Moodbook: An Application for Continuous Monitoring of Social Media Usage and Mood, Proceedings of the 2018 ACM International Joint Conference and 2018 International Symposium on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Wearable Computers, p. 1150-1155, ACM

Shkurta Gashi, Elena Di Lascio, Silvia Santini () Using Students' Physiological Synchrony to Quantify the Classroom Emotional Climate, url, doi:10.1145/3267305.3267693